IoT Edge Box
Even today, data from remote sources is often not accessible. Be it the physical distance or the devices not being network-enabled at all. With our Edge Connect Box we tackle this challenge: it connects data sources such as devices, ECUs, machinery or vehicles to the cloud platform, making their data available for further analysis as well as enabling remote maintenance and remote debugging. Even remote pre-integration of vehicle ECUs is possible.
Track and monitor your remote ECU, sensor or vehicle status and live performance data over the air wherever they are or calibrate and control parameters on the fly.
This drastically reduces effort and time for:
• developers who do not have to wait for the return of their test vehicles to access data
• remote verifying and debugging of ECUs in the field or at development sites all around the world

Key Features
• “Cloudify” offline devices utilizing the NISAR IoT Connector
• Keep track of your ECUs, sensors or vehicles and their software versions and variants
• Monitor and locate your fleet and watch or record real-time status information and sensor data
• Stream vehicle data life into your software modules and services
• Stream data into the cloud and store it for later replay
• Calibrate and control parameters on the fly
• Remote Debugging and remote pre-integration